ROS2 use custom object detection model

How can I use my own trained yolo model with ros2?

So I’m using the launch file provided by stereolabs, but I want to use a custom trained model sintead of the default one. Then be able to subscribe to the published object bounding boxes.

Hi @hamid
custom object detection is not yet available in the ROS 2 Wrapper.
The only way to add this feature is by modifying the source code of the wrapper to add the inference stage of your model by using this project as an example.

Hi @Myzhar,

is this fixed with the new ZED SDK version?
Is it possible to run a custom abject detection with the ROS2 wrapper in ZED SKD 4.0.5?

Not yet, sorry. This reply is still valid.

any plans to release this feature?

It’s planned. No high priority for the moment.