Zoom and detect

Hello all,
I am currently working on a project to detect object and live position tracking.
I have placed my camera at around 1m height. The object view is as follows

Now my issue is the height. My yolo code is unable to detect the object. The training data had the object at little lower height. As you can see the image the object is not even detected.

Is there any way to zoom on live feed or set some zoom in python code itself? How to tackle this issue?

I am a beginner working on the camera as well as Yolov8 object detection.


Without seeing your code it’s difficult to say this with certainty, but you should be able to isolate a section of your video and complete inference on it by taking slices of an individual video frame as an array.

EG, AreaYouWant = VideoFrameArray[Start: End, Start: End]

Hello @GreenMachine Thank you for your reply. Below is my code.

detector.py (13.3 KB)