ZED SDK did not support CUDA 12.5 docker image

Hello all
First of all in advance thank you for your support.
i hope to know the reason why ZED sdk docker image did not support CUDA 12.5 base.
is it possible to use CUDA 12.5 instead of CUDA 12.1?

i hope to know this

above docker hub repository does not support or provide CUDA 12.5 base image

Hi @nicolas,

Welcome to the forums :wave:

The ZED SDK is compatible with all CUDA 12 versions >= CUDA 12.1. So you can definitely use CUDA 12.5 with the ZED SDK.

We do not provide docker images for all cuda versions, however you can build your own by using the cuda 12.5 image from nvidia as a base, and install the ZED SDK in it with an installer.

thank you for your replay. based on your recommendation. i tried to build docker image for using CUDA 12.5
but your site does not provide ZED SDK for CUDA12.5. only ZED_SDK_Ubuntu20_cuda12.1_v4.1.2.zstd.run was exist on your site.

could you please check this one?

Best regards

add one more query.
also dockerfile which you shared via github should be changed.
please check it

Hi @nicolas,

The ZED SDK installer CUDA 12.1 is compatible with CUDA 12.5.

The dockerfiles on our github are compatible with the ZED SDK 4.1, please take a look on how to build your image here: GitHub - stereolabs/zed-docker: Docker images for the ZED SDK