Ubuntu20 nvidia rtx 4090 cuda not supported


When I was installing zed sdk, cuda 12.1 was required. But I am using ubuntu 20.04 and NVIDIA RTX 4090, and the lowest cuda version seems to be cuda 12.2.
I tried to remove default cuda and let the zed sdk automatically install cuda. However, when I did this, I could not log in ubuntu gui. So I have to remove cuda and reinstalled default cuda and nvidia driver so that I could use my PC again.
So the question here is how to install zed sdk on ubuntu 20 with NVIDIA rtx 4090.

Thanks for your help!

The ZED SDK supports CUDA 12.2.

Yeah, I successfully installed sdk with cuda12.2. But I have another issue same as this Object Detection sample code Error Message
I followed the solution, doing ‘sudo prime-select nvidia’, but I could no longer login to my PC. I am concerned that ZED and its apis can’t well support RTX4090.

We use RTX4090 with no issues.
Can you check in the BIOS settings if you have Secure Boot enabled?

We students don’t have permission to revise BIOS because all lab PCs are managed by IT office. I will ask them,

We solved the problem.When doing ‘sudo prime-select nvidia’, the monitor should be connected to the NVIDIA HDMI ports instead of other HDMI ports.

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[quote=“weizhu, post:6, topic:7335”]
the monitor should be connected to the NVIDIA HDMI ports instead of other HDMI ports.[/quote]
I apologize to not have asked to check this. I thought it was obvious.