Streaming Video in ROS2


I am using a Zed X Mini and a Zed Box (22.04, ROS2 Humble). I am using the latest version of the SDK. I am trying to stream the video feed from ROS2 to another machine that is running Unity. I am having a hard time locating any examples/resources for how to do stream via ROS2. Is this possible to do? Any resources or advice would be appreciated.


Hi @fallygal
you can use any kind of ROS 2 package that performs this task.
For example, you can try this.

So I can use this (or similar tool) to stream the video to Unity in order to do work with the ZED SDK in Unity based on the stream?

Apologies if I wasn’t specific enough but I need to:

  • stream from ROS 2/zed box env
  • have that stream be received in Unity via ZED SDK
  • call on StartSpatialMapping() from Unity and ZED SDK to have the camera spatial map an area.

Why is there no option to stream using the zed-ros-wrapper like what is included here Local Video Streaming - Stereolabs

This is what we were doing in our application but I want to have ROS2 also aware of all ZED data so I have been trying to find a streaming solution within zed-ros-wrapper

No, if you need the ZED SDK Stream as an input for Unity, you must start the a ZED SDK Stream from the ZED ROS2 Node by calling the enable_streaming service or by setting the stream_server.stream_enabled parameter to true: