Hi all,
Has anyone successfully hooked up a ZED Mono capture card and Zed X to a Jetson Orin on a SeeedStudio A603 carrier board?
We’ve got one hooked up now and sudo dmesg | grep zedx returns nothing at all.
Hi all,
Has anyone successfully hooked up a ZED Mono capture card and Zed X to a Jetson Orin on a SeeedStudio A603 carrier board?
We’ve got one hooked up now and sudo dmesg | grep zedx returns nothing at all.
Hi @akiUlysses,
We do not currently officially support the SeeedStudio A603 carrier board.
You should contact Seeed Studio customer support to ask for a custom driver that can work with their device.
@mattrouss Appreciate the update, what does the custom driver need to support? What information would such a request need to contain?
@mattrouss Follow-up question, if Stereolabs cannot support common carrier boards such as those from SeeedStudio what is the protocol during custom industrial integration?
If integrating an Orin module + stereolabs capture card onto our own custom carrier platform how can we ensure the Stereolabs driver will work?
Additionally, can you share the latest list of supported GMSL adapters? Maybe another one has a working driver for seeedstudio boards
Hi @akiUlysses,
We currently support the boards from the third-party suppliers listed at the bottom of our driver page: ZED X Camera Drivers | Stereolabs
Any carrier board that is not on this list is unfortunately not supported, as we do not have the necessary resources required to handle the development and maintenance for all capture cards/carrier boards.
In order for you to use the ZED X with another capture card/carrier board, we would gladly share the source code of the ZED X/ZED X One driver, that you can customize for your configuration, or ask a third-party integrator if you are not familiar with kernel driver development.
Please send an email at support@stereolabs.com with a reference to this post and a Github account so that I can share with you the driver code, if you are interested.
Hi @mattrouss
Really appreciate the clarification, that’s all clear and makes sense, will reach out for driver code when the time comes.
In the meantime we have been able to switch to a carrier that works out of the box - the Holybro Pixhawk Jetson baseboard works with Jetpack 6 and the latest drivers out of the box, no fiddling required. It looks like they have mirrored the devkit signaling setup for the camera ports onboard.
@akiUlysses Can you please give further information about the compatibility between holybro pixhawk jetson baseboard and zed x cameras, which camera, driver did you use(is it still the latest one), did you use zed link duo? I am planning to buy the same baseboard so just wanna make sure that it will work.
Thank you in advance!