Rostopic pointcloud frequncy setting change problem


I changed both grab rate and point cloud frequency, pub rate in common.yaml and zed2i.yaml. ‘zed2i/zed_node/point_cloud/cloud_registered’ topic frequency remains unchanged and is published fixed at 15Hz. The image is published at frequency I set.

Steps to Reproduce

1.roslauch zed_wrapper zed2i.launch
2. rostopic hz ‘zed2i/zed_node/point_cloud/cloud_registered’

Expected Result

Please solve the topic frequency problem of the point cloud

Actual Result

subscribed to [/zed2i/zed_node/point_cloud/cloud_registered]
average rate: 15.438
min: 0.062s max: 0.066s std dev: 0.00194s window: 4
average rate: 15.125
min: 0.062s max: 0.067s std dev: 0.00114s window: 19
average rate: 15.074
min: 0.062s max: 0.070s std dev: 0.00124s window: 34
average rate: 15.059
min: 0.062s max: 0.070s std dev: 0.00115s window: 50
average rate: 15.052
min: 0.062s max: 0.070s std dev: 0.00112s window: 55

ZED Camera model



OS: jetpack5.1.1 CPU:ARM GPU:jetson orin nx 16G sdk:4.0 other:ros noetic

Hi @jiy
please do not cross-post here and on GitHub.

We need all the values that you set for the parameters to understand what’s happening.