Pose Detection in rqt_image_view

Hi, I am trying to utilize some of the zed api for body pose detection and tracking. I had a few questions

  1. Do I need svo data for using zed api or can I utilize ros2 bags?
  2. Given an input image from one of zed’s ros2 topics, could I utilize the zed sdk in the callback functions?
  3. Are all zed api’s require data to be collected in svo format only?

Thank you for your help, I appreciate it!

Hi @rakshithsinghgm
Welcome to the Stereolabs community

You cannot use ROS bags as an input for the ZED SDK, so they cannot be used with the ZED ROS2 Wrapper.

No you can’t, the ZED SDK accepts only inputs from direct ZED sources: live camera, SVO, ZED Stream.

Yes, to replay data you can only use SVO.