Inquiry for tutorials how to use OpenCV tools for Aruco marker on ROS2 Foxy

Is there any tutorials of opencv how to use aruco markers on ROS2 Foxy environment? I know there is one for case of ROS, but not sure for case of ROS2(Foxy). Thanks.

Hi @vladimir_lenin
Welcome to the Stereolabs community and my wishes for a good 2023.

We have not yet added that kind of tutorial. Can you please create a feature request issue in the zed-ros2-examples repository?

Hi @Myzhar
Happy new year and my wishes for suceess on 2023 also!
I’ve posted feature request in the zed-ros2-wrapper and zed-ros2-examples as they are closely linked. Could you review it? Thanks.
Suggestion for Aruco Marker detection features on zed-ros2-wrapper with OpenCV usage · Issue #133 · stereolabs/zed-ros2-wrapper (
Suggestion for Aruco Marker detection examples on zed-ros2-examples with OpenCV usage · Issue #16 · stereolabs/zed-ros2-examples (

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Hi @Myzhar ,
Thanks for confirming my suggestion on zed-ros2-examples.
Could I inquire when solution would be provided? I know it could not be finished in short times, but I just want to know the avaibility of that. Thanks.

I’m sorry, but it’s not a high priority, we have a few improvements to complete before working on that.
Stay tuned for updates.