Fuse IMU raw and mag data


II recorded a few ROS2 bags to try out some SLAM algorithms. Some of these algorithms require 9-axis IMU data, but unfortunately I have only recorded the topics /imu/data_raw and /imu/mag. Is there a simple tool to combine these topics simply to generate the /imu/data from these ROS2 bags?

Hi @GreenHummus
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

What SLAM algorithms are you trying?
What type of information do they need?
Please note that the ZED ROS 2 Wrapper already publishes data to the /imu/data topic, but it does not fuse magnetometer information.
You must create a node to perform this task if you need it.
The robot_localization package can help you:

Hi @Myzhar

Thank you very much for the warm welcome and fast response :slight_smile:

I want to try LIO SLAM. It requires a 9 axis IMU topic (there is a workaround suggested, but I’d like to add the 9 axis topic for trying other SLAM algorithms). The /imu/data_raw/ has 200Hz, the /imu/mag/ has 50Hz.
If understand correctly, robot_localization will then predict the mag if I want to have 9 axis IMU data with 200Hz?

It’s not a prediction. It’s the robot status estimation by sensor fusion using a Kalman filter