Disable Point cloud but keep depth map enabled Zed2i Ros2 Wrapper

Is there a way to keep the depth map being published but disable the point cloud? I’m interested in trying to further optimize the performance of the zed2i sensor and would also like to limit the number of topics that the zed2i publishes.

Here are my configuration details:

# config/common_yaml
# Common parameters to Stereolabs ZED and ZED mini cameras
# Note: the parameter svo_file is passed as exe argumet
            svo_file: "" # usually overwritten by launch file
            svo_loop: false # Enable loop mode when using an SVO as input source
            svo_realtime: false # if true SVO will be played trying to respect the original framerate eventually skipping frames, otherwise every frame will be processed respecting the `pub_frame_rate` setting
            camera_timeout_sec: 10
            camera_max_reconnect: 10
            camera_flip: false
            zed_id: 0
            serial_number: 31681504
            resolution: 0 # '0': HD2K, '1': HD1080, '2': HD720, '3': VGA
            sdk_verbose: 1
            grab_frame_rate: 15 # ZED SDK internal grabbing rate
            pub_frame_rate: 10.0 # [DYNAMIC] - frequency of publishing of visual images and depth images
            gpu_id: -1
            region_of_interest: "" # A polygon defining the ROI where the ZED SDK perform the processing ignoring the rest. Coordinates must be normalized to '1.0' to be resolution independent.

            extrinsic_in_camera_frame: false # if `false` extrinsic parameter in `camera_info` will use ROS native frame (X FORWARD, Z UP) instead of the camera frame (Z FORWARD, Y DOWN) [`true` use old behavior as for version < v3.1]
            img_downsample_factor: 1.0 # Resample factor for image data matrices [0.01,1.0] The SDK works with native data sizes, but publishes rescaled matrices
            brightness: 4 # [DYNAMIC]
            contrast: 4 # [DYNAMIC]
            hue: 0 # [DYNAMIC]
            saturation: 4 # [DYNAMIC]
            sharpness: 4 # [DYNAMIC]
            gamma: 8 # [DYNAMIC] - Requires SDK >=v3.1
            auto_exposure_gain: true # [DYNAMIC]
            exposure: 80 # [DYNAMIC]
            gain: 80 # [DYNAMIC]
            auto_whitebalance: true # [DYNAMIC]
            whitebalance_temperature: 42 # [DYNAMIC] - [28,65] works only if `auto_whitebalance` is false
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 2 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT -
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

            quality: 3 # '0': NONE, '1': PERFORMANCE, '2': QUALITY, '3': ULTRA - '4': NEURAL - Note: if '0' all the modules that requires depth extraction are disabled by default (Pos. Tracking, Obj. Detection, Mapping, ...)
            sensing_mode: 1 # '0': STANDARD, '1': FILL
            depth_stabilization: true # Forces positional tracking to start if 'true'
            openni_depth_mode: false # 'false': 32bit float [meters], 'true': 16bit unsigned int [millimeters]
            depth_downsample_factor: 1.0 # Resample factor for depth data matrices [0.01,1.0] The SDK works with native data sizes, but publishes rescaled matrices (depth map, point cloud, ...)
            # I suspect we can lower the point cloud frequency because we are not using point clouds right now.
            point_cloud_freq: 1.0 # [DYNAMIC] - frequency of the pointcloud publishing (equal or less to `grab_frame_rate` value)
            depth_confidence: 100 # [DYNAMIC]
            depth_texture_conf: 100 # [DYNAMIC]
            remove_saturated_areas: true # [DYNAMIC]
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 2 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT -
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

            pos_tracking_enabled: true # True to enable positional tracking from start
            imu_fusion: true # enable/disable IMU fusion. When set to false, only the optical odometry will be used.
            publish_tf: false # publish `odom -> base_link` TF
            publish_map_tf: false # publish `map -> odom` TF
            publish_imu_tf: true # enable/disable the IMU TF broadcasting            
            base_frame: "base_link" # use the same name as in the URDF file
            map_frame: "map"
            odometry_frame: "odom"
            area_memory_db_path: ""
            area_memory: true # Enable to detect loop closure
            depth_min_range: 0.0 # Set this value for removing fixed zones of the robot in the FoV of the camerafrom the visual odometry evaluation
            set_gravity_as_origin: false # If 'true' align the positional tracking world to imu gravity measurement. Keep the yaw from the user initial pose.
            floor_alignment: false # Enable to automatically calculate camera/floor offset
            initial_base_pose: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Initial position of the `base_frame` -> [X, Y, Z, R, P, Y]
            init_odom_with_first_valid_pose: true # Enable to initialize the odometry with the first valid pose
            path_pub_rate: 2.0 # [DYNAMIC] - Camera trajectory publishing frequency
            path_max_count: 10 # use '-1' for unlimited path size
            two_d_mode: false # Force navigation on a plane. If true the Z value will be fixed to "fixed_z_value", roll and pitch to zero
            fixed_z_value: 0.00 # Value to be used for Z coordinate if `two_d_mode` is true
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 2 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT -
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE
            transform_time_offset: 0.0 # The value added to the timestamp of `map->odom` and `odom->base_link`` transform being generated

            mapping_enabled: false # True to enable mapping and fused point cloud pubblication
            resolution: 0.1 # maps resolution in meters [0.01f, 0.2f]
            max_mapping_range: 20.0 # maximum depth range while mapping in meters (-1 for automatic calculation) [2.0, 20.0]
            fused_pointcloud_freq: 0.5 # frequency of the publishing of the fused colored point cloud
            clicked_point_topic: "/clicked_point" # Topic published by Rviz when a point of the cloud is clicked. Used for plane detection
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 2 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT -
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

            sensors_image_sync: false # Synchronize Sensors messages with latest published video/depth message
            sensors_pub_rate: 200. # frequency of publishing of sensors data. MAX: 400. - MIN: grab rate
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 2 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT -
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

            od_enabled: false # True to enable Object Detection [only ZED 2]
            confidence_threshold: 50.0 # [DYNAMIC] - Minimum value of the detection confidence of an object [0,100]
            prediction_timeout: 0.5 # During this time [sec], the object will have OK state even if it is not detected. Set this parameter to 0 to disable SDK predictions
            filtering_mode: 1 # '0': NONE - '1': NMS3D - '2': NMS3D_PER_CLASS
            mc_people: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of persons for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_vehicle: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of vehicles for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_bag: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of bags for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_animal: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of animals for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_electronics: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of electronic devices for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_fruit_vegetable: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of fruits and vegetables for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_sport: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of sport-related objects for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            body_fitting: true # Enable/disable body fitting for 'HUMAN_BODY_FAST' and 'HUMAN_BODY_ACCURATE' models
            body_format: 1 # '0': POSE_18 - '1': POSE_34 [Only if `HUMAN_BODY_*` model is selected]
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 2 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

            debug_mode: true
            debug_sensors: false

Any recommendations?

Hi @bradyasheehan
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

The ZED ROS2 Wrapper is highly optimized, it only performs the elaborations to publish the messages on the topics subscribed by other nodes.
If there’s not a node that subscribes to the point cloud topic the ZED node does not waste resources on generating it.