Assistance Needed with ZED 2i Stereo Camera and RVIZ2 Launch on Linux

Hello Stereolabs Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am a student currently working on a senior design project involving the ZED 2i stereo camera. The laptop provided by my school lacks a graphics pack, and as a relatively new Linux user (approximately 2 weeks of experience), I am encountering difficulties in getting data feed by launching RVIZ2.

I have attached images containing details of my computer specifications, command terminal output, and the RVIZ2 interface. I am unsure whether the issue lies in subscribing to the correct node or if it is related to the installation of certain packages.

My primary goal is to use the ZED 2i camera for line detection without utilizing depth information. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in identifying the root cause of the problem and guiding me through the necessary steps to resolve it.

Thank you in advance for your support.

please refer to this link, All my images and specs are on this link. The website wont let me upload images.

Hi @HarshShah
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

Please run the ZED Diagnostic tool and send me the report file that it generates.
You should also allow me to access the attachment that you shared.

Hello Mr. Myzhar,

I hope this message finds you well. Recently, I’ve conducted diagnostics and compiled the results along with the associated files, consolidating them into a Word document. I believe this comprehensive overview will facilitate a clearer understanding of our current status and allow for collaborative feedback.

Unfortunately, I cannot directly share the document through this platform. However, I’ve made it accessible via the following link attached to this message. Within the document, you’ll find detailed diagnostics, along with the files from our previous discussions.

I kindly request your valuable insights and feedback on the provided content. If possible, your comments, suggestions, or any additional information you deem relevant would be greatly appreciated. Your contributions will significantly aid in our collective progress and problem-solving efforts.

Thank you sincerely for your time and support. I eagerly await your feedback and remain open to further discussions.

An NVIDIA GPU card is required to run CUDA and the ZED SDK modules.
Your PC is not equipped with it, so you cannot execute ZED SDK based applications.

Thank you for your prompt response.

I am aware of the GPU requirements for CUDA and ZED SDK modules. However, my specific use case involves utilizing the ZED2i camera for line detection from a single lens. I do not require depth detection or any other functionalities from the SDK.

Our school has recently acquired the ZED2i camera, and our project involves building an autonomous robot. To clarify, I am seeking guidance on whether I am running the correct node for line detection or if there is a specific package that I should download to achieve this functionality without relying on the complete ZED SDK.

Is it possible to run the ZED 2i Stereo Camera with ROS2 Humble Hawksbill for only line detection, using the RGB Color?

Your assistance in clarifying this matter is highly appreciated.

We provide a ROS 2 driver, but it works with the ZED SDK.
To interact with ROS 2 you can create a node that uses the ZED Open Capture driver or OpenCV in a native way (using the ZED as a webcam).

PS ZED Explorer does not use CUDA to run, that’s why you can start it.