I am working on the project which work on jetson AGX Orin developer kit, Zed X camera, Ros 1, interfaces to control orin.
Recently I flash my Jetson and install Jetpack 5.1.4 and ZED SDK L4T 35.6 version (both are not compatible, still zed explorer runs).
My problem is, after running the zed explorer, the zed SDK doesn’t detect my zed x camera. (I thought of downloading link drivers for this issue, however I couldn’t find compatible drivers for L4T 35.6 version). Please help me out with camera detection (I can’t flash my kit since its time consumable and also it will erase all my other work and I don’t have that much time).
Is there any solution available for my problem. So, zed SDK will detect my camera after I run zed explorer ?
There are a few issues with JP 5.1.3 and JP 5.1.4, which is why we have not yet released compatible Drivers and SDK.
I am unable to confirm at this time whether we will release them soon.