Zedx mini with argus on JetPack6


I installed JetPack 6 on AGX Orin 64 and done the following:

  1. Connected zed x mini via the duo board.
  2. Installed the newest sdk for jetpack 6.
  3. Installed the duo board driver.
  4. Installed jetson multimedia api and built argus app.

Running argus_camera works fine, but when I run argus_syncstereo I see that all of the calibration data I get are 0 values.

This has also implications on setting up isaac ros.

Is there a problem with the driver/compatibility?


Hi @adishimoni8
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

Did you calibrate the camera to obtain the parameters and configure argus to retrieve them?

In any case, this is a question that you should ask on the NVIDIA Developer Forum to directly connect with NVIDIA developers who are experts in ISAAC ROS.

Can I ask you why you are not using the ZED SDK API instead of argus_syncstereo?

Hey and thank you :slight_smile:

Iv’e been trying lately to use zed camera with isaac_ros on JetPack 6, and find out that it crashes when it does rectification step. The data stream of the camera works fine (if you comment out the rectification step). I explored it a little bit and found out that the crash is because I get zeros in all camera metadata. I then went down to a more basic step trying to explore libArgus, and indeed I saw that I can use it to get data from camera except for the calibration details.

Is there a way to configure libArgus to retrieve the parameters? to my understanding, if libArgus is able to get data from the cam it means you supported argus, so how come the calibration data doesn’t work?

I will also post at Nvidia forums about that.


I suggest reaching out to the NVIDIA Forum for assistance with this.

I already posted there. But anyway I wanted to make sure that there is no problem with zed duo driver or the sdk. Since argus does get data from the camera besides the calibration, I assume your’e development team did implement libArgus interfaces. So maybe this part has a specific bug or problem.