ZED2i Camera Returning Dark Image


I encountered twice an issue where the ZED2i camera is repeatedly returning a dark image (all pixel values in the range [0,8-10]). In the same session, until the issue popped up, the camera returned correct images, so I doubt it’s related to the scene.

I saw this thread from last year and was wondering whether the issue had been fixed. Random ZED 2i dropouts (+ horizontal sync loss?) - #11 by adujardin

At this point, it’s unclear to me whether this is caused by a faulty HW connection or a faulty FW. The ZED SDK didn’t log any error / warnings, and I never lost the connection to the camera. The camera still only returned dark images. After unplugging and replugging the camera, it returned correct images again.

This issue is rare, and I don’t have associated SVO files recorded for it.

I would have expected a faulty connection to lead to a disconnection of the camera. Is there any way to isolate the issue to the FW/HW? Are there settings where a faulty connection does lead to dark images?

I am running the SDK v4.1 in Python, on a ubuntu 22.04 host+docker environment.


Hi @nfntn
did you try to enable the image validity check (enable_image_validity_check) to monitor image goodness?

I did not try this yet.

Would this catch the following issue:

The left image is dark (as can be seen below). The right image is the usual one of the scene

I finally could reproduce.

Using the image validity check did catch the issue.
Disconnecting the cameras then forcing a SW level reboot through the SDK allowed us to recover the camera.

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