ZED X, SeeedStudio j4012 Orin NX 16GB, capture card DUO, JP6 not working

Hello @Myzhar!

Please, can you look at this LOG file? I have use the info from this page to install JP6 on J4012. Is the file for Zed box Orin.

From my point of view it seems that the driver is loaded. I just have the jetson on me, not the camera. At least is a step ahead. After this weekend I’ll connect the Zed X on the J4012 to see the actual result.

On this forum page, it is said that you can provide the open source driver. I’ve asked minutes ago Seeed Studio if they can provide help if I can get the drivers.

Since there are at least 2 users with some problem , maybe we can get a resolution.

I really want to play with this ZED X thingy :slight_smile:

dmesg_J4012_as_ZED_box_ORIN.log (26.8 KB)