ZED X One Stereo Calibration Problem

I am trying to set up a Zed X One stereo setup with the help of Zed Box Orin NX. I am using (GitHub - stereolabs/zedx-one-capture: Camera control API for ZED X One GMSL2 cameras from Stereolabs) repository to calibrate the zed x ones. I am facing a bug in which the Z axis is not calibrated correctly. It always gets stuck on ~76-90% and won’t go above that regardless of taking several frames.

Can you please guide me to tackle this issue and debug?

Hi @jayp
are you rolling the camera in both directions as shown in the video in the README?

Hi @Myzhar

Rolling the chessboard clockwise (from my perspective) throws an error “!!! Do not rotate the checkerboard more than 45 deg around Z !!!”. So I have to rotate it counter-clockwise from 0 to 45 degrees.

Hi @Myzhar

Built the application again and the Z-axis went to a 100 percent. I am sharing the results of Zed Depth Viewer, can you please tell me that the image distortion is expected or I have to re-calibrate the cameras?

Depth Viewer Results: Zed Depth Viewer Results - Google Drive

Hi @jayp
that’s obviously the result of a bad calibration process.
I recommend you repeat it.

Hi @Myzhar

After calibrating it multiple times (with 9x6 chessboard), every time the calibration file was corrupted as the baseline was coming out to be negative. Just inverting the baseline with its positive value solved the issue. Now the images are not distorting and the point clouds are forming as expected.

Thanks for your valuable assistance.

This means that you inverted the left and right cameras in the Camera Streamer application or in the calibration application.

This is not a good practice because the calibration values of the two sensors are switched.

The left and right cameras are set accurately in the streamer application and I think it was showing correctly in the calibration application too. Should I try inverting the cameras in the streamer application itself?

Got it. Will try recalibrating it and get accurate results.

Normally a simple cable switch fixes the issue.