Zed X One Calibration Board


I have two Zed X Ones (2.2mm) that I plan on using with a baseline of 1.25m

During my first trial calibration, I had them at 45cm baseline and used a A4 calibration pattern with square size 25mm, 9x6 internal edges. The one provided in the calibration readme in zedx-one-capture repository. I tried the calibration 4-6 times and noticed that the best baseline post calibration was reported at 51cm in the .conf file. Which was not really reassuring but I didn’t really mind that coz it was just a test.

Now for the final deployment, i want them to be at 1.25m like mentioned above. I have a calibration board that nearly an A2, with a square size of 105mm and 7x5 internal edges. (This board has no white borders around the outer edges of the chess board, not really sure if that matters). I noticed that the calibration script does not pick up the board at all, I tried this with the calibration board at 2m-5m away from the stereo rig. By this I mean, while the entire board is clearly visible in both the camera’s fov, I don’t see the multi colored lines that appear on the left camera to indicate it’s being detected.

I understand that a bigger board with a lot of squares would make the calibration more accurate. I’m planning on getting a new calibration board and would appreciate it if you could provide the optimal/ ideal parameters for the calibration pattern for my setup (1.25m baseline) (size of squares and number of edges + if I need the white border and how thick)

Hi @auc7us

Can you send me a picture of this calibration board?

An A2 board is good; you could use smaller squares to add more corners.

This is the board I used. This was picked up in couple of frames when then baseline was 45cm indoors but it struggled. With the baseline set to 125cm it wasn’t picked up for a single frame. We did this calibration outdoors with the board held in front of a wall by a person, I’m assuming overcast lighting would have no affect on calibration.

Could you also specify number of squares or the size and what’s a good distance to calibrate it from. I’m on a time crunch and can’t afford to print multiple boards to test what setup would me reliable results.

Hey, I’d have to return the cameras if we can’t get the expected/ advertised range accurately. The return window is getting close. I’d really appreciate it if you could share the parameters I should use for calibrating the zed X ones wide with 1.2m baseline