Im am trying to set up the ZED x mini with an jetson orin nano running jetpack 6.0 dp, however I can only see a download for JP 5.1.2. I am trying to get this to work with issac ros. Please help, Thanks.
Hi @conorneedshelp,
Welcome to the Stereolabs community!
We currently do not support Jetpack 6, however, we are currently working on this compatibility for future releases.
In the meantime, if you want to use ROS 2 Humble on Jetpack 5.1.2, you can either compile ROS 2 Humble from source, or use docker to run a Ubuntu 22.04 image with ROS 2 Humble installed with our tutorial Create and use Docker images for ZED and ROS 2
Thanks for your recommendation. I tried all workarounds. We would sincerely for driver release for JetPack 6. These are the situations we met.
Compiling ROS Humble on JetPack 5.1.2 sounds straightforward but opens a can of worms. Humble deeply relies on libraries of specific versions on Ubuntu 22.04. We had to rebuild every dependent library on Ubuntu 20.04. That’s not a fascinating experience.
The only viable way is to run the JetPack 6 container on JetPack 5 (See dusty-nv/jetson-containers), install ZED driver on the host, and run ROS Humble nodes within the container. The upcoming problem is to stream the video from the host driver to nodes in the container. Unfortunately, the ZED ROS driver runs on older ROS Foxy. Direct foxy-to-humble pub/sub does not work as far as I can confirm. We finally give up and use zenoh-bridge-ros2dds as the workaround.
Hi @jerry73204,
First of all welcome to the Stereolabs forums
I definitely feel the pain of installing Humble on Jetpack 5.1.2. If you haven’t already, I would highly recommend checking out the guide from Steve Macenski (creator of Open Navigation and Nav2) on using the ZED X on Jetpack 5.1.2 with ROS 2 Humble: Setting Up Stereolabs ZED X for ROS 2 - ROS Discourse
If this still has not worked for you, you should still be able to use the ZED X with Docker without having to stream from foxy to humble. You can check out this guide ZED X Advanced Topics - Stereolabs which explains how to open the ZED X within a docker container, and you should be able to run your ROS 2 Humble application.