Hi folks,
I’ve been getting some weird drifting behavior with my ZED X position tracking. It looked possibly IMU related, so I went to go re-calibrate my IMU and I’m getting this with SDK 4.2.1:
$ /usr/local/zed/tools/ZED_Calibration --cimu
Detecting devices....
Failed to detect Camera model
If I roll back my SDK version to 4.1.4 I get this:
$ /usr/local/zed/tools/ZED_Calibration --cimu
Detecting devices....
--> ZED-X(M) Found
############## Starting Calibration ... Camera must stay still... please wait until finished ##############
--> Opening ZED-X(M) IMU...
Creating new bias
<|> OLD Bias Acc : 0 0 0
<|> OLD Bias Gyro : 0.000228536 0.000205408 -0.000318063
--> Reset Online Bias in memory ....
<|> NEW Bias Acc : 0 0 0
<|> NEW Bias Gyro : 0 0 0
Which on one hand is good, it’s opening and writing new biases, but it’s writing all zeros which has to be wrong. If I unplug the camera, plug it back in, and restart the daemon the “old bias” values are now zero not the factory calibration numbers so they definitely were written to the camera.
I’ve tested the above with both the 1.0.5 zed x driver on Jetpack 5.1.2 and the 1.1.1 driver on Jetpack 6.
So I guess 2 questions, 1) Is this supposed to work for the ZED-X? And 2) Is there a way to recover the factory calibration at least if manual doesn’t work?