Zed X driver for Jetpack 6


Jetpack 6 official is already out. Zed SDK was also released, but havent support for Zed Driver. When will it publish?


Hi @vuthanh.cdt
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

JP6 Production Release has been released today.
The Early Access version was not stable enough to support the ZED X Driver reliably.

We will release the ZED X Driver for JP6 in the next few days.

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are there any updates regarding the release of the ZED X driver for JP6?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @kn10
We are about to release the latest version. We are currently conducting the final stability tests before deployment.

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Any updates on the ZED X driver for JP6?

We are still working on them.
Iā€™m sorry for the long wait

ZED X SDK for JP6 GA is already out, looking forward to the Driver for JP6.

Hi, any timeline updates to share on this?

Thanks in advance!

Any updates on the driver release date?

We will provide all the information on the ZED SDK download page as soon as the driver is ready to be distributed.
We apologize for the delay.

We are glad to announce that the Stereolabs GMSL2 driver for JP6 GA is now available for downloading.
Full changelog here.

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