ZED SDK Unreal Engine 5.1 what c++ version?

I’m trying to compile the 5.1 (v1.16) Release ZED Plugin for UE5.1 v1.6 · stereolabs/zed-UE5 · GitHub when I create the project files it creates the visual studio project files, but when I go into to compile them I’m getting errors about ‘sl::camera’ (Or something similar sorry not at the job site). I’m thinking I have the wrong version of c++ installed on the host machine, but I can’t seem to find the correct version. When I install visual studio I install the windows 10sdk, and the game dev package.


Is the ZED SDK installed on your computer? I’d recommend using the latest version (v1.7) as it is the version compatible with the last ZED SDK version v4.0.7. You can find it here : https://www.stereolabs.com/developers/release/

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