ZED SDK (Py) No way to use CustomObjectDetection RuntimeParameters

As the title suggests, I was taking advantage of the new ability to run yolo-like ONNX format models in the SDK when I realized the python version of the retrieve_objects() function only accepts a normal ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters object, and does not allow for the CustomObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters to be used. As far as I can tell there is no clear way to use the more rich configs this class provides with the python SDK, dispite the C++ SDK allowing it.

Is there some other way to retrieve objects that uses CustomObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters or has this just not been implemented in the python SDK yet?

Hi @Roman,

Indeed we do not currently have support for CustomObjectDetectionRuntime parameters in the Python API. I will log this so that we can add it soon in a next patch release.

@mattrouss Any updates on this? It still appears to be unsupported as of the latest Python API release.