i have currently AGX Orin 64GB also and zed QUAD capture card, when i try to record 1080p60fps in 3 zed x mini cameras it wont work(drop frames are 90%). is it because of 1A power limits the card? or jetson IO BUS bandwidth issues?
Hi @DailyNir,
Thank you for reaching out, could you please run ZED_Diagnostic and share the resulting JSON file so I can validate your software configuration?
If you can also share information on the script you are using to save the SVOs? Is it a tool? On of our official samples on our github?
hi, attached is the json, i am using zed sdk recording cpp script
ZED_Diagnostic_Results.json (6.5 KB)
? can you please respond? do we need other power adapter for the quad more than 1A?
as i mentioned already we are using your offical cpp example from the zed sdk recording
please respond, we are stuck and your support is not great.
Hi @DailyNir
I apologize for the delay.
We’ve just released the ZED SDK v4.2.1 which should address your problem.
Can you please upgrade your configuration and send me feedback?