ZED Plugin for UE5.5


I was wondering if there’s a ZED plugin that is compatible with Unreal Engine 5.5?

Thank you

The next version of the plugin that will support the ZED SDK 5.0 will officially be compatible with UE5.5.

In the mean time, you can use the latest version (done for UE5.4), it should work.
If not, let me know and I’ll help you.


Stereolabs Support

Any ET on 5.5 plugin? I try to compile 5.4 for 5.5 and its not working. I fix few errors that popped up during compiling. Manage to compile it but now its just crashing project when I start using sensor. I have a project that I cant finish due engine bug in 5.4 and need to switch to 5.5 but now I cant use ZED.
Project just freezes and crashes. Dont see even any error.


It will be available with the next ZED SDK release, probably next week or the week after.


Stereolabs Support

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Hi again,

I just updated the plugin to fix the compilation errors you get when building the project for UE5.5.

For the crash, it seems related to DX11, I don’t know why yet. For the moment, I’d suggest changing the RHI to DX12 if that’s ok for you.

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