Zed mini unity passthrough flickering

Hi all, we are experiencing some issues with the zed mini. We use the mini attached on the front of a HTC vive cosmos elite, firm and fixed to the headset. Our software is made with unity and make use of the zed sdk.

However we experience a constant flicker of the video feed. I attach a video grabbed from steam VR desktop app, but this is exactly what we see in the headset.

We tried to change the resolution, fps and even the fixes proposed in an online guide even if it targets another issue (flicker of 3d objects). Since we tried at least two cameras with the same result what could be the cause?

If we look at the video stream on the depth viewer app we don’t see this flicker.



It looks like a connection issue. Can you make sure the camera is connected to a USB 3.0 port.

Here are some tips on how to fix bandwidth and connection issues :

  • Avoid front panel USB ports. They usually provide less power and bandwidth than rear USB ports that are soldered to the motherboard.
  • Avoid red ports which are branded as “Gaming”, “VR Ready” or “USB 3.1” ports. Usually, manufacturers add an ASMedia repeater or controller to the line which do not deliver the same bandwidth as Intel host controllers.
  • Put your keyboard, mouse and hubs on USB 2.0 ports. Usually, they do not share the bandwidth with USB 3.0 ports.

You can find more here : https://support.stereolabs.com/hc/en-us/articles/207635225-How-to-fix-USB-3-0-bandwidth-and-connection-issues

Stereolabs Support