Zed Depth Viewer not working with Isaac Simulator on Win 11

I can use the Zed Depth Viewer in Ubuntu 24.04 with Isaac 4.2.0 and the latest version of the extension, but I cannot get this to work on Windows 11. The Zed depth viewer connects fine, but generally isn’t able to see anything useful. The entire camera view generally shows a solid color sometimes and it will go dark if I turn off the lights. But it is not able to see pixels. There was nothing in the console that was obviously a related error to me, but I will post any messages after I am able to run in Windows again.

Hi @pionex,

Welcome to the Stereolabs forums :wave:

Unfortunately, the ZED Isaac Sim extension has not been tested internally on Windows, and is not currently on the current roadmap.
I will create a ticket so we can look at this further.