ZED Box Orin NX power

Hello everyone, we are planning to buy the Orin for a project in Mixed Reality.
In this project we will need to process data incoming from 2 ZED X cameras and a ZED X One camera.
Do you think the Orin is powerful enough to handle all the 3 cameras? Or is better to get another embedded pc for the mono camera?

The Stereolabs zed box orin NX can only handle 2 ZEDx camera’s. so no room for this extra X one. you better should look at a Orin which could handle 4

Hi @Cubia
as @Martijn said, the current version of the ZED X Driver running on the ZED Box Orin NX 16 GB does not allow you to connect more than 2 cameras simultaneously.

We are working on an improved driver that will overcome this limitation.
The driver is currently in intensive testing and we plan to release it soon.

Thanks @Martijn and @Myzhar for the response!
Can instead the Jetson AGX contained in the Robotics 360° kit handle this kind of setup? Or is it better to implement a solution with 2 different embedded pc (e.g
Orin NX 8GB for the Zed X One and Orin NX 16GB for two Zed X)?

Yes, it’s the ideal configuration for this kind of setup.