Hi everyone.
it’s my first time using zed camera in a Jetson (AGX Oring) and i am trying to configure it and make sure it’s working on ubuntu 20.04. I installed CUDA 11.4 with is compatible with my ZED SDK version (4.1.3)
Everything seems well (i have some python programs for recording svo files in a multi-camera scenario and they work well) but when I run ZED_Diagnostic it gives me an error that CUDA 11.4 is not detected and the tool crashed… (i don’t have report about that)
I tried several solutions but none is working, can someone help me?
Thanks again Myzhar. I’ve already flashed the jetson and I installed NVIDIA Drivers and CUDA 12.6 with SDKManager. He read in some sities that last version of ZED SDK is not compatible with this version of CUDA. It this correct?
Hy Myzhar again. I finally had some time to look into this. I reinstalled the ZED SDK version for Nvidia Jetson L4T36.3 (even though I have Tegra_L4T36.4) and had no issues. I connect the camera to the Jetson, and it works, but when running the diagnostic tool, I get an error related to the ZED SDK part (it doesn’t detect Cuda 12.2). What could be the issue? My Cuda 12.6 version? The L4T? ZED_Diagnostic_Results.json (11.1 KB)
I’m attaching the output from the diagnostic tool.