Weird RGB colors on point cloud - python script

I have a problem with generating a point cloud with 100% correct RGB colors. There is some problem, either in Python wrapper or my code (below). Namely, there is some places, where point cloud colors are being wrong, i.e. instead of gray, they are purple-blue. Look at the screen below:

This is how it should look like (via ZED Depth Viewer):
Processing: 2022-10-21 11_39_08-performance.png…

And this is how it looks, when I open generated point cloud in CloudCompare:
Processing: 2022-10-26 17_26_06-Window.png…

As you can see, part of the cloud points has correct color (i.e. grass is green and paving is grey), so channels are not swapped (tried all combinations anyway).

Can you check my code? Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you!


import as sl
import numpy as np
import sys

from PIL import Image
import struct

def main():
    # Create a Camera object
    print('create camera')
    zed = sl.Camera()

    # Create a InitParameters object and set configuration parameters
    print('create init param')
    init_params = sl.InitParameters()
    init_params.camera_resolution = sl.RESOLUTION.HD2K  # HD2K, HD1080, HD720, VGA
    init_params.camera_fps = 15  # HD2K - 15, HD1080 - 15, 30, HD720 - 15, 30, 60, VGA - 15, 30, 60, 100
    init_params.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER  # METER, CENTIMETER, MILLIMETER, INCH, FOOT
    init_params.coordinate_system = sl.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Z_UP_X_FWD  # Z up, X forward, Y right
    init_params.depth_minimum_distance = 0.2  # [m]
    init_params.depth_maximum_distance = 6
    init_params.depth_stabilization = True

    # Open the camera
    print('open camera')
    err =
    if err != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
        print('ERROR when opening')

    # Create and set RuntimeParameters after opening the camera
    print('create runtime param')
    runtime_parameters = sl.RuntimeParameters()
    runtime_parameters.sensing_mode = sl.SENSING_MODE.STANDARD  # STANDARD, FILL
    runtime_parameters.confidence_threshold = 100  # range [1, 100]. A lower value means more confidence and precision (but less density).
    runtime_parameters.texture_confidence_threshold = 100  # range [1, 100]. A lower value means more confidence and precision (but less density)
    runtime_parameters.remove_saturated_areas = True  # Defines if the saturated area (Luminance>=255) must be removed from depth map estimationd.

    # Capture images and depth, then stop
    image = sl.Mat()
    point_cloud = sl.Mat()

    # A new image is available if grab() returns SUCCESS
    if zed.grab(runtime_parameters) == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
        # FOTO:
        zed.retrieve_image(image, sl.VIEW.LEFT)  # Get the left image
        image_np = image.get_data()  # image data to numpy matrix
        image_np = image_np[:, :, [2, 1, 0, 3]]  # BGRA --> RGBA
        image_pil = Image.fromarray(image_np)  # RGBA to PIL object
        print('save foto')"zed_img.png")  # save PIL object to image file

        # POINT CLOUD:
        print('point cloud')
        zed.retrieve_measure(point_cloud, sl.MEASURE.XYZRGBA)  # Retrieve colored point cloud. Point cloud is aligned on the left image.
        point_cloud_np = point_cloud.get_data()  # point cloud data to numpy matrix
        point_cloud_np = point_cloud_np.reshape(-1, 4)  # numpy matrix reshape
        point_cloud_np = point_cloud_np[np.isfinite(point_cloud_np).any(axis=1)]  # delete NaN and INF rows
        color = point_cloud_np[:, 3]  # isolate point cloud color column (4x8bit)
        color = np.array(list(map(color_decode, color)))  # decode colors to RGBA 0..255
        point_cloud_np = np.delete(point_cloud_np, 3, 1)  # delete 32bit color column
        point_cloud_np = np.append(point_cloud_np, color, axis=1)  # add 0..255 RGBA columns
        print('pc shape: ', point_cloud_np.shape)
        print('file save')
        np.savetxt("point_cloud.txt", point_cloud_np, delimiter=", ", fmt='%1.4f %1.4f %1.4f %d %d %d %d')

    # Close the camera

def color_decode(x):
    packed = struct.pack('f', x)
    r, g, b, a = struct.unpack('BBBB', packed)
    return r, g, b, a

if __name__ == "__main__":

Hello and thank you for reaching out to us,

If I were you, I’d double check these lines :

        color = np.array(list(map(color_decode, color)))  # decode colors to RGBA 0..255
        point_cloud_np = np.delete(point_cloud_np, 3, 1)  # delete 32bit color column

Color issue happens easily when you manually trick matrices like that.
