Hi, I am looking for a way to visualize the live pointcloud output of my stereo camera as a pair of stereo images on a 3D screen. Similar to how CloudCompare can display a loaded pointcloud for different kinds of 3D-glasses or screens but in real time.
Maybe someone here has expieriences and/or ideas on how to accomplish a visualization.
Thanks in advance!
camera: Stereolabs ZED 2i
I’m an expert of 3D screen but I think the type of input required by the screen can vary.
Do you know what your screen is expecting as data? The side-by-side image can be enough in some cases.
Stereolabs Support
Hello BenjaminV,
displaying a SBS image directly from the camera would propably work but I am looking for a way to generate stereoscopic images from a live pointcloud. First this cloud will be only coming from the ZED2i but I am also trying to show a stitched pointcloud from several Ouster Lidar Sensors.
So I am looking for a software (e. g.) that can generate stereo images from the live pointcloud.
You can directly retrieve the SbS image from the ZED camera. I don’t understand why you mean by “from a live point cloud” ?
I can help you for all the ZED related questions but for the Lidar parts, I can’t help you.