Unreal Engine 5 issue with retargeting for custom avatar with body tracking (avatar stuck at 0, 0))

Hey, I’m trying to set up body tracking with my Zed 2i and a custom avatar in UE5 inside the sample project. I have followed the guide exactly and my avatar model is rigged with the mixamo rig and in the T-pose.

The retargeting seems to work for limb movements, but the custom avatars are stuck at the world origin. What am I missing? Is there any way to make the retargeted skeletal mesh move in the scene just like the default BP_ZED_Manny?


I got this working in a (somewhat hacky) way:

  1. Open IKR_ZED_Manny and add a retarget chain for Hips (containing only one bone), call it Hips
  2. Open your custom retargeter and add a retarget chain for its root bone (Hips if using mixamo rig), call that Hips too, or root should be fine too, as long as you map the source to be Hips
  3. Click on the new root chain in Chain Mapping and in the Details panel under FK set Translation Mode to Absolute
  4. The custom avatar should move with the default avatar now according to the tracking data. You might need to reposition it in the actor blueprint to make its feet touch the ground etc.
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