Hello, I am trying to calibrate franka arm with zed2 camera, I am using the calibrate UI provided by moveit library.
I have had some issues doing that, I have placed the camera on the end-effector of the arm and I have tried transform betw the pand_hand to zed2_base_link, which disconnected the zed2_base_link from the zed_ros_wrapper tree, so I had to transform btw the pand_hand and the map from zed_wrapper, that way I got them connected however the transformation rotation seems off and the arm is unable to move to location been provided by the camera using the detection module from the zed_warpper
Here’s the transform launch file
<!-- The rpy in the comment uses the extrinsic XYZ convention, which is the same as is used in a URDF. See
http://wiki.ros.org/geometry2/RotationMethods and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles for more info. -->
<!-- xyz="0.0183375 -0.278508 -0.223526" rpy="3.10416 -0.0439826 0.0656729" -->
<node pkg="tf2_ros" type="static_transform_publisher" name="camera_link_broadcaster"
args="0.0183375 -0.278508 -0.223526 0.999031 -0.0332282 -0.0213595 0.0194235 panda_hand map" />
this is the rotation of the camera provided by the imu on device
seq: 594
secs: 1735639055
nsecs: 957362198
frame_id: "zed2_imu_link"
x: 0.0657230019569397
y: 0.708572268486023
z: -0.014194512739777565
w: 0.7024274468421936
orientation_covariance: [2.8578859947058856e-10, 3.739506925095839e-10, 6.110252592605401e-11, 3.7395065787859076e-10, 2.1916921574576986e-08, 1.2358259656846803e-09, 6.110257787254361e-11, 1.2358259656846803e-09, 7.843023681507936e-10]
x: -0.0006725004036630654
y: -0.0003736171292465516
z: 0.0005198580966650807
angular_velocity_covariance: [6.967495381729762e-10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.7428076202877986e-09, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 6.881192176506082e-10]
x: -9.803467750549316
y: 0.6989020109176636
z: -0.1132141649723053
linear_acceleration_covariance: [0.010591689497232437, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00614140136167407, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0.008220947347581387]
The rotation from the launch file is off, it is rotating by 180 degree with is not required for just to move to a position for a pick-place operation
Here’s my question?
Is transforming btw pand_hand to map the correct step?