The Orientation data in the sensor of the zed camera is abnormal!

The zed camera is fixed and static in the scene.
However, through the ZED Sensor Viewer, you can see that the camera’s rotation Y value is constantly changing.

This causes some strange phenomena that prevent my program from running correctly.
As follows:
Every time zedManager is started, the Transform of zedRoot is quite different.

The rotation value is always close to 0 degrees, even if setFloorAsOrigin is not enabled. This is also the case when using zed.get_position(pose) in python. (The camera in reality has an angle rather than 0).

When I get the Orientation of ImuData, this value is also constantly changing. And it takes a while for the x and z values ​​to change to the correct value, while the Y value still does not stop changing (on a normal camera, this value can get the correct value almost instantly).

During the execution of my python program, a warning of unhandled internal exception will appear. I don’t know what happened.

This is the sensor data record of the camera:

This is the Diagnostic detection data of the camera:
ZED_Diagnostic_Results-ZED2i-sn_32557320.json (18.4 KB)
ZED_Diagnostic_Results-ZED2i-sn_37756694.json (18.2 KB)

There are two cameras that have encountered this situation! May I ask if this is due to hardware damage?

it seems that your camera’s lost the IMU calibration.
Please follow this procedure to try to recover the camera:

  1. place the camera on the floor
  2. connect the camera to the PC
  3. open a terminal and launch the command "ZED Calibration.exe --calib_gyro"
  4. open ZED Explorer and leave it running for at least 30 seconds
  5. open ZED Sensor Viewer and verify that the drift disappeared

If the problem persists repeat the same procedure, using the command
"ZED Calibration.exe --calib_dynamic"
at point 3

Does this command require double quotes?
If I don’t use double quotes, the terminal will get an error. Do I need to configure the name ZED in the environment variable

I didn’t seem to solve the drift issue after trying. The y value will jiggle within an error of 1 when placed on the ground, but the drift problem will still occur when it is mounted in the field at a certain angle

Use of commands

Data when the camera is placed on the ground

It depends on how you run it on the Windows shell.

Please note that if you place the camera on the desk and on the desk there is a laptop or a desktop PC running the fan fast, the vibrations can affect the gyroscope readings.

This is why you must recalibrate the camera on the floor.