I have been trying to test the Positional Tracking feature of ZED using simulations in Nvidia Omniverse Isaac Sim (version 2023.1.1). Initially, I was not able to run the ZED ROS2 driver (streaming data from Isaac SIm) using the instructions at https://www.stereolabs.com/docs/isaac-sim/ros2_integration. However, the issue was resolved as I found that Isaac Sim was not sending IMU data and disabling the imu_fusion parameter (under pos_tracking) in the config file allowed the driver to run.
I’m curious if there is a way to stream IMU data from Isaac Sim into the ZED driver as well. Or if there was a way to generate simulated IMU data externally and enter that into the ZED Driver. Without that, I can only test the positional tracking module without imu inputs.