Testing Positional Tracking in Isaac Sim with IMU


I have been trying to test the Positional Tracking feature of ZED using simulations in Nvidia Omniverse Isaac Sim (version 2023.1.1). Initially, I was not able to run the ZED ROS2 driver (streaming data from Isaac SIm) using the instructions at https://www.stereolabs.com/docs/isaac-sim/ros2_integration. However, the issue was resolved as I found that Isaac Sim was not sending IMU data and disabling the imu_fusion parameter (under pos_tracking) in the config file allowed the driver to run.

I’m curious if there is a way to stream IMU data from Isaac Sim into the ZED driver as well. Or if there was a way to generate simulated IMU data externally and enter that into the ZED Driver. Without that, I can only test the positional tracking module without imu inputs.

Hi @Sayan,

Welcome to the forums :wave:

The ZED Isaac Sim extension sends IMU data, however not at a high frame rate which is required for the GEN_2 positional tracking algorithm to work.

The IMU is streamed to the ZED SDK at the image frame rate, which can be used by the GEN_1 positional tracking. Could you change the tracking to its previous version in your ROS 2 configuration file and try again?


Sorry for the late reply. I was able to run Positional Tracking with IMU information on simulated data from Isaac Sim after switching back to Positional Tracking GEN 1.

Thanks and feel free to mention any further suggestions that you may have on this topic.