Setting Minimum and Maximum Depth in Zed Live Link

Hi everyone!

I’m wondering if it is possible to change the maximum and minimum depth of the ZED 2i in LiveLink (curretnly using it with Unreal Engine if that helps).

I have tried adding the snippet below to the .json file but doesn’t seem to have an effect.


  • “input”: “USB_ID”,*
  • “input_path”: 0,*
  • “resolution”: “HD720”,*
  • “fps”: 60,*
  • “depth_mode”: “ULTRA”,*
  • "grab_compute_capping_fps": 0,*
  • “depth_minimum_distance”: 1.0,*
  • “depth_maximum_distance”: 2.5*
  • }*

Great to know if it is possible either way :slight_smile:


The option is not exposed in the json, so you have to add in the c++ file directly.

Here add:

init_parameters.depth_maximum_distance = 2.5f * 1000; // meters to millimeters
init_parameters.depth_minimum_distance= 1.0f * 1000;

and build the program.

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