Segmentatiom fault (care dumped)

Why i get this error ?

Any script of zed sdk give me this

Hi @Shakir0905,

Can you run the ZED_Diagnostic tool and share the resulting file for our team to debug more efficiently?

Can you load your SVO in tools such as ZED_Explorer or ZED_Depth_Viewer?

ZED_Diagnostic_Results.json (4.9 KB)

Zed_Explorer open the video correctly

The problem is related to the version of CUDA installed on your PC.
I recommend upgrading to CUDA 12 when using an RTX-type GPU.

Faster procedure:

  • Open a terminal console (Ctrl + Alt + t)
  • Enter the command
    sudo apt purge cuda-* nvidia-*
  • Download the latest ZED SDK for CUDA 12
  • Install the ZED SDK. The installer will guide you in installing the required CUDA version and NVIDIA GPU drivers
  • Reboot the system
  • Enjoy your device