I just noticed that since SDK 4.1 the recording format is .svo2 and unfortunately, it is not yet supported by the Touch Designer platform ( 4.0.5).
The easy option would be to downgrade the SDK to a version before 4.1.
But I have a jetson nano running 4.1 streaming a Zed2i to the host. I do not have remote access at the moment, and even if I did have access, given my difficulties in getting the SDK installed, I would prefer to avoid having to reinstall the SDK remotely.
I need to run the same version on the host for compatibility reasons.
I have read that by setting the environment variable: ZED_SDK_SVO_VERSION to 1, I will be able to record in the older format, .svo.
The environment variable is set :
but recording with the Zed explorer still output a .svo2 format.
Is it possible ?
yes, I confirm. The system has been rebooted.
I tried on the host remotely ( receiving the stream from the jetson) and on my laptop with a ZED connected.
Even with the environment variable set , Zed explorer continues to output .svo2.
I’m running the last SDK 4.1.2.
One option would be to stream from the Zed explorer to touch Designer But unfortunately, it is not possible to read and stream a svo2 file
If you have also tried while using a camera directly on the laptop with ZED_Explorer, it seems that the application is not detecting the environment variable correctly.
I can record and export to svo using the python script.
That could be an option, but as the project relies on Touch Designer (SDK 4.0.5), I’m a bit reluctant to install all python dependencies on the production machine, even using a virtual environment.
I’ve just had a fright installing depthAi and a conflict with the version that TD uses ( even in a virtual env).
any luck to have the zed explorer recording svo as expected ?
Hi @mattrouss
It would be really great if you could find a way to use ZED_Explorer.
As I need to record a stream, none of the scripts can do this straight out of the box.
I might be able to write a Python script that would merge the recording and the streaming samples together. But that will definitely be out of my reach in C++.
The last option would be to downgrade the SDK to 4.0.8 on the Jetson.
But after my struggle to get it to work:
But as I already have numpy and cython installed, the installation might be smoother.
Thanks for your support.
We have investigated this issue some more, and there seems to be an issue with the naming of the files by ZED_Explorer. The svo is named with .svo2 extension, but as long as the environment variable is used, the file is actually a .svo.
Can you test this by renaming the file to .svo and using it with Touch Designer?
We have logged this and will make a fix to change this behavior so that it reflects what is really happening.
I can open the renamed file in .svo
I’m using a special release of Touch Designer and I just found out that the SDK has been updated to 4.1.2.
So it should be able to read svo2 as well.
I’m waiting for feedback from the derivative team to know if it could also be a naming issue : can only display svo but can read the svo2 ( if named as .svo)
I will get back when I get the info.
Finally, the pre-release version of Touch Designer I’m using can read .svo2.
There was also a bug in which the pop-up window for loading a file was limited to only display svo.
So I cannot say if renaming svo2 to svo works.