SDK 1.1.1 Depth Viewer screen is weird

I want to attach the video for better understanding, but it is blocking from the forum.

So I will explain it in picture.

on the tracking video section(Right side), The center part of the video is the only part that’s alive; the rest has turned gray.

Is my depth viewer working correctly? I can’t see the point cloud.

distance at crosshair is measuring well.

I’m using a Jetson TK1 and a ZED camera.

Hi @stm32h757
I cannot appreciate the colors, but the screenshot seems correct to me.
What does it happen if you move the camera?
Does the point cloud change?

Please keep in mind that you are using outdated software on hardware that has been unsupported and discontinued for years.


I want to post a YouTube link, but the forum keeps blacklisting me because of the YouTube video link. I only posted 3 to 4 links, and it’s not frequent.

I cannot see anything weird in this video. ZED Depth Viewer is performing as expected

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