I am trying to save the area_memory, but I doesn’t seem to save.
I edited the zed_wrapper params to save to area_memory.area. When I launch the zed2i,
area_memory_db_path [/home/cerveaux/.ros/area_memory.area] doesn't exist or is unreachable.
[ INFO] [1723833173.381376664]: The file will be automatically created when closing the node or calling the 'save_area_map' service if a valid Area Memory is available.
However, it doesn’t save when I close node despite it saying,
Saving Area Memory file: /home/cerveaux/.ros/area_memory.area
Are you using ROS1 or ROS2?
If you are using ROS1, can you try using “save_area_memory_db_on_exit” instead?
Best regards
I set “save_area_memory_db_on_exit” to true and when I used Ctrl + C to exit, it says it is save the area memory, but when I check the save directory, nothing is there.
This is the param that I am using
common.yaml (9.8 KB)
It seems that you are trying to use the area file and save it at the same time.
The use of the area file has two steps, the recording,
Can you try to set “area_memory” to false?
Otherwise, you can also call the save_area_memory
service to force an Area Memory update at any time.