RGB Color Balancing

Hi there,

I have been using the White balancing parameter of the ZED Camera API to adjust the color balance of my video feed. However, I’ve found better color quality in other cameras when I individually balance each of the RGB color channels to tune the color correction for my specific application, rather than using a more general White Balancing feature.

Is there currently a method to perform this RGB color correction, similar to the white balance, so that the color-corrected image is used throughout the rest of the SDK?
If not, are there plans to offer RGB-based color correction for the ZED stereo camera pair?

For reference, I am working with a ZED 2i camera on the v3.8 ZED SDK


Hi @HiddenNetwork
I’m sorry, but the ISP of the ZED 2i does not allow to perform this type of advanced setting.

Hi @Myzhar

Thanks for your response. Do any of the ZED Cameras allow for this RGB balancing?

No, this feature is not available.
You can get the full list of all the available settings here:

@HiddenNetwork FYI this feature is available with the ZED X cameras, which allows us to have advanced control of the features of the ISP that is on the NVIDIA Jetson module.
With ZED X you can control the channel balance by editing the ISP file stored in /var/nvidia/nvcam/settings/zedx_ar0234.isp
For example:

colorCorrection.srgbMatrix[0]     = {1.74409000,-0.31862000,-0.04883000};
colorCorrection.srgbMatrix[1]     = {-0.58124000, 1.31531000,-0.81990000};
colorCorrection.srgbMatrix[2]     = {-0.16285000, 0.00331000, 1.86873000};

We will provide an advanced documentation to explain this procedure in detail.