Orin nano 4 gb compatibility

Hi. I want to use ZED 2i with Orin nano 4gb to get pointcloud and visual odometry for outdoor rover. How many fps can i expect on 1080p resolution? 720p? Is 4gb enough for this purpose or i must get 8gb Orin nano version?

Hi @sit.elisey
Welcome to the Stereolabs community

Here’s a short benchmarking result for HD1080 and HD720


  • Depth mode NEURAL: 14 FPS
  • Depth mode ULTRA: 26 FPS
  • Depth mode PERFORMANCE: 30 FPS


  • Depth mode NEURAL: 15 FPS
  • Depth mode ULTRA: 30 FPS
  • Depth mode PERFORMANCE: 60 FPS

You can use 4GB model for standard operations, we advise you to get an 8GB model if you plan to use more AI models simultaneously (NEURAL depth mode, Object detection, Body Tracking, etc).