Opening the Zed X is not consistent

We are running a Jetson Orin NX 16GB with a mono capture card and Zed X. We are attempting to implement the Zed into our software application which currently runs with an Intel Realsense. We are currently running at 1080p 60 FPS with depth in performance mode. We have flashed our Jetson with the latest Jetson Linux version 36.3, we have the latest Zed SDK 4.1.3 and link drivers, and are using cuda toolkit version 12.6.
Our first issue is that when opening the camera with it will sometimes(maybe 30%) take ~10-15 seconds and zed.grab will halt its loop for many seconds and run at less than a frame per second without recovering. Our second issue is that when operating correctly sometimes after running for a few minutes the camera will slowly drop in frame rate until hit stops giving us frames at all. These are both critical issues in a robotics application which requires very reliable operation.
We have tried various resolutions and depth modes but the issue persists. We have not expirimented with the reboot function in the sdk, but we would very much like to keep boot times to a minimum and hope to avoid reboots.

Hi @Sam1
what power mode are you using on the Jetson? Is it MAXN with script running?

We have been running in MAXN but without the jetson_clocks script. I ran the script and it appears to have made the problem significantly better. I saw the startup issue once in about 20 tests but it was able to recover in about 10 seconds after opening the camera and I have not seen the second issue. Thanks for the suggestion.

After testing some more it appears that the issue is not completely solved just less frequent.

Sorry to keep posting but some additional info is that we are also seeing a “Low USB Bandwidth” Error code when opening the camera on occasion. This issue is also solved by rerunning the program but I have tried reopening the camera and rebooting the camera in software with no luck.

What’s the length of the ZED Link Mono flat cable?
Can you send me a picture of your setup?

We are using a 73mm length, 15 pin to 22 pin mipi csi cable.

You are using a Seeed Studio device, I’m surprised you could use the ZED X with JP6 because other users faced many issues with it.
This device is indeed not officially compatible with our capture cards.