Open3d not working in stereolabs/zed:3.8-devel-cuda11.7-ubuntu18.04 container

I have pulled the zed2 container from the tag stereolabs/zed:3.8-devel-cuda11.7-ubuntu18.04. And i have installed open3d library inside it, which is used to visualise the point cloud data.

But open3d visualiser is not working inside the container. It throws me the following errors,

libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
[Open3D WARNING] GLFW Error: GLX: Failed to create context: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
[Open3D WARNING] Failed to create window
[Open3D WARNING] [DrawGeometries] Failed creating OpenGL window

Anyone know how to resolve this issue?

OpenGL is not installed in the regular docker images, you need stereolabs/zed:3.8-gl-devel-cuda11.4-ubuntu18.04 based on cudagl CUDA GL | NVIDIA NGC that includes display support.

You also need to enable some options to allow display, see this GitHub - stereolabs/zed-docker: Docker images for the ZED SDK