Offset for positional tracking not considered when re-using area-files

I try to create local maps with a pre-defined offset to my basic coordinate system with a ZEDmini. When I try to use the areas by loading them as part of the positinal-tracking parameters the position I get is reset to the origin which means 0,0 but does not consider, that the map was created with an offset.

Hi @mkossow,

Welcome to the Stereolabs forums :slight_smile:

Thank you for reporting this, we will take a look into this to see if we can reproduce the issue.

Hi mattrouss,
thanks for your quick reply. I think the problem that I have is not really good described with my post. I try to create a map of a huge environment and I want to seperate this environement into sub-areas. All those sub-areas are related to a basic coordinate system which means, if I want to create sub-area I need to have a starting point in relation to my basic coordinates wich I than define as a world-coordinate offset. What I expect is to receive an absolute relocalisation if i place my robot in an sub-area and provide the robot with the associated area-file. This seems not to work or - at least - seems not to work properly. Maybe my area-files are not good enough becaus relocalisation sometimes works but with very poor quality. Sometimes no relocalisation happens at all.
Any ideas?

Hi @mkossow,

Thank you for the clarification, I will share this with our team. This is not a workflow that we usually work with, I would like to get back to you with an effective way to perform this.