Nvida-smi : command not found

I am trying to deploy a pytorch model on the zed box, using the detectron2 module.
Right now, the box cannot find the GPU

>> import torch
>> torch.cuda.is_available()


bash :nvidia-smi: command not found

device is running:
cuda 11.8

Hi @frigusgulo,

The nvidia-smi tool is not available on jetson, you can install jtop to monitor CPU and GPU usage.

Can you send the diagnostic file from ZED_Diagnostic and the output of pip freeze in your python environment?

Running the Zed Diagnostic Tool

libEGL warning: DRI3: Screen seems not DRI3 capable
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
nvbufsurftransform:cuInit failed : 100 
List of packages in environment: "/home/user/micromamba/envs/timbertrack"

  Name                                  Version       Build                     Channel    
  _libgcc_mutex                         0.1           main                                 
  _openmp_mutex                         5.1           51_gnu                               
  alsa-lib                              1.2.10        h31becfc_0                conda-forge
  anyio                                 3.5.0         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  aom                                   3.7.1         h0425590_0                conda-forge
  apscheduler                           3.9.0         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  async-timeout                         4.0.3         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  attr                                  2.5.1         h4e544f5_1                conda-forge
  blas                                  1.0           openblas                             
  blosc                                 1.21.5        h2f3a684_0                conda-forge
  brotli                                1.1.0         h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  brotli-bin                            1.1.0         h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  brotli-python                         1.0.9         py311h419075a_7                      
  brunsli                               0.1           h01db608_0                conda-forge
  bzip2                                 1.0.8         hfd63f10_2                           
  c-ares                                1.25.0        h31becfc_0                conda-forge
  c-blosc2                              2.13.1        h1a8d543_0                conda-forge
  ca-certificates                       2023.12.12    hd43f75c_0                           
  cairo                                 1.18.0        ha13f110_0                conda-forge
  certifi                               2023.11.17    py311hd43f75c_0                      
  cffi                                  1.16.0        py311h998d150_0                      
  cfitsio                               3.470         hb113702_7                           
  charls                                2.4.2         h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  charset-normalizer                    2.0.4         pyhd3eb1b0_0                         
  click                                 8.1.7         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  cloudpickle                           2.2.1         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  cryptography                          41.0.7        py311h5077475_0                      
  cytoolz                               0.12.2        py311h998d150_0                      
  dask-core                             2023.11.0     py311hd43f75c_0                      
  dav1d                                 1.2.1         h998d150_0                           
  dbus                                  1.13.6        h12b9eeb_3                conda-forge
  deprecated                            1.2.13        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  expat                                 2.5.0         hd600fc2_1                conda-forge
  fastapi                               0.103.0       py311hd43f75c_0                      
  ffmpeg                                6.1.1         gpl_hed0588d_101          conda-forge
  font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono             2.37          hab24e00_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-inconsolata                  3.000         h77eed37_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-source-code-pro              2.038         h77eed37_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-ubuntu                       0.83          h77eed37_1                conda-forge
  fontconfig                            2.14.2        ha9a116f_0                conda-forge
  fonts-conda-ecosystem                 1             0                         conda-forge
  fonts-conda-forge                     1             0                         conda-forge
  freeglut                              3.2.2         hf4b6fbe_2                conda-forge
  freetype                              2.12.1        h6df46f4_0                           
  fribidi                               1.0.10        hb9de7d4_0                conda-forge
  fsspec                                2023.10.0     py311hd43f75c_0                      
  geographiclib                         1.52          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  geopy                                 2.4.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  geos                                  3.8.0         h22f4aa5_1                           
  gettext                               0.21.1        ha18d298_0                conda-forge
  giflib                                5.2.1         h998d150_3                           
  glib                                  2.78.3        hd84c7bf_0                conda-forge
  glib-tools                            2.78.3        hd84c7bf_0                conda-forge
  gmp                                   6.3.0         h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  gnutls                                3.7.9         hb309da9_0                conda-forge
  gpxpy                                 1.6.2         pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  graphite2                             1.3.13        h7fd3ca4_1001             conda-forge
  greenlet                              3.0.1         py311h419075a_0                      
  gst-plugins-base                      1.22.9        h6d82d15_0                conda-forge
  gstreamer                             1.22.9        hed71854_0                conda-forge
  h11                                   0.12.0        pyhd3eb1b0_0                         
  h3-py                                 3.7.6         py311h13cdd7c_0           conda-forge
  harfbuzz                              8.3.0         hebeb849_0                conda-forge
  hdf5                                  1.14.3        nompi_ha486f32_100        conda-forge
  hiredis                               2.0.0         py311h998d150_0                      
  icu                                   73.2          h787c7f5_0                conda-forge
  idna                                  3.4           py311hd43f75c_0                      
  imagecodecs                           2024.1.1      py311h1ace9ac_0           conda-forge
  imageio                               2.31.4        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  importlib-metadata                    7.0.1         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  jasper                                4.1.2         h381c573_0                conda-forge
  joblib                                1.2.0         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  jxrlib                                1.1           hfd63f10_2                           
  keyutils                              1.6.1         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  krb5                                  1.21.2        hc419048_0                conda-forge
  lame                                  3.100         h4e544f5_1003             conda-forge
  lazy_loader                           0.3           py311hd43f75c_0                      
  lcms2                                 2.16          h922389a_0                conda-forge
  ld_impl_linux-aarch64                 2.38          h8131f2d_1                           
  lerc                                  4.0.0         h4de3ea5_0                conda-forge
  libabseil                             20230802.1    cxx17_h2f0025b_0          conda-forge
  libaec                                1.1.2         h2f0025b_1                conda-forge
  libass                                0.17.1        h36b5d3b_1                conda-forge
  libavif                               1.0.3         h7bd187c_1                conda-forge
  libavif16                             1.0.3         h7bd187c_1                conda-forge
  libblas                               3.9.0         16_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  libbrotlicommon                       1.1.0         h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  libbrotlidec                          1.1.0         h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  libbrotlienc                          1.1.0         h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  libcap                                2.69          h883460d_0                conda-forge
  libcblas                              3.9.0         16_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  libclang                              15.0.7        default_h65c9d4d_4        conda-forge
  libclang13                            15.0.7        default_hf5d3afd_4        conda-forge
  libcups                               2.3.3         h405e4a8_4                conda-forge
  libcurl                               8.5.0         h4e8248e_0                conda-forge
  libdeflate                            1.19          h31becfc_0                conda-forge
  libedit                               3.1.20230828  h998d150_0                           
  libev                                 4.33          hfd63f10_1                           
  libevent                              2.1.12        h4ba1bb4_1                conda-forge
  libexpat                              2.5.0         hd600fc2_1                conda-forge
  libffi                                3.4.4         h419075a_0                           
  libflac                               1.4.3         h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libgcc-ng                             13.2.0        hf8544c7_3                conda-forge
  libgcrypt                             1.10.3        h31becfc_0                conda-forge
  libgfortran-ng                        13.2.0        he9431aa_3                conda-forge
  libgfortran5                          13.2.0        h582850c_3                conda-forge
  libglib                               2.78.3        h311d5f7_0                conda-forge
  libglu                                9.0.0         hf4b6fbe_1003             conda-forge
  libgomp                               13.2.0        hf8544c7_3                conda-forge
  libgpg-error                          1.47          h5ce24db_0                conda-forge
  libiconv                              1.17          h31becfc_2                conda-forge
  libidn2                               2.3.4         h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  libjpeg-turbo                         3.0.0         h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  liblapack                             3.9.0         16_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  liblapacke                            3.9.0         16_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  libllvm14                             14.0.6        hb8fdbf2_3                           
  libllvm15                             15.0.7        hb4f23b0_4                conda-forge
  libnghttp2                            1.58.0        hb0e430d_1                conda-forge
  libnsl                                2.0.1         h31becfc_0                conda-forge
  libogg                                1.3.4         h3557bc0_1                conda-forge
  libopenblas                           0.3.21        hc2e42e2_0                           
  libopencv                             4.9.0         py311hcc23ee9_6           conda-forge
  libopenvino                           2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-arm-cpu-plugin            2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-auto-batch-plugin         2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-auto-plugin               2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-hetero-plugin             2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-ir-frontend               2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-onnx-frontend             2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-paddle-frontend           2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-pytorch-frontend          2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-tensorflow-frontend       2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopenvino-tensorflow-lite-frontend  2023.2.0      h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libopus                               1.3.1         hf897c2e_1                conda-forge
  libpng                                1.6.39        h998d150_0                           
  libpq                                 16.1          h58720eb_7                conda-forge
  libprotobuf                           4.25.1        h87e877f_0                conda-forge
  libsndfile                            1.2.2         h79657aa_1                conda-forge
  libsqlite                             3.44.2        h194ca79_0                conda-forge
  libssh2                               1.11.0        h492db2e_0                conda-forge
  libstdcxx-ng                          13.2.0        h9a76618_3                conda-forge
  libsystemd0                           255           h91e93f8_0                conda-forge
  libtasn1                              4.19.0        h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  libtiff                               4.6.0         h1708d11_2                conda-forge
  libunistring                          0.9.10        hf897c2e_0                conda-forge
  libuuid                               2.38.1        hb4cce97_0                conda-forge
  libvorbis                             1.3.7         h01db608_0                conda-forge
  libvpx                                1.13.1        h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  libwebp                               1.3.2         heb2ea1b_1                conda-forge
  libwebp-base                          1.3.2         h998d150_0                           
  libxcb                                1.15          h2a766a3_0                conda-forge
  libxcrypt                             4.4.36        h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  libxkbcommon                          1.6.0         h217f472_1                conda-forge
  libxml2                               2.12.4        h3091e33_1                conda-forge
  libzlib                               1.2.13        h31becfc_5                conda-forge
  libzopfli                             1.0.3         h7c1a80f_0                           
  llvmlite                              0.41.0        py311h94b7715_0                      
  locket                                1.0.0         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  lz4-c                                 1.9.4         h419075a_0                           
  mpg123                                1.32.4        h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  mysql-common                          8.0.33        hb6794ad_6                conda-forge
  mysql-libs                            8.0.33        hf629957_6                conda-forge
  ncurses                               6.4           h419075a_0                           
  nettle                                3.9.1         h9d1147b_0                conda-forge
  networkx                              3.1           py311hd43f75c_0                      
  nspr                                  4.35          h4de3ea5_0                conda-forge
  nss                                   3.97          hc5a5cc2_0                conda-forge
  numba                                 0.58.1        py311h6ace5ae_0                      
  numpy                                 1.24.3        py311hb7dbe3b_0                      
  numpy-base                            1.24.3        py311hb6890e9_0                      
  opencv                                4.9.0         py311h750bbd4_6           conda-forge
  openh264                              2.4.0         h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  openjpeg                              2.5.0         h0d9d63b_3                conda-forge
  openssl                               3.2.0         h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  p11-kit                               0.24.1        h9f2702f_0                conda-forge
  packaging                             23.1          py311hd43f75c_0                      
  partd                                 1.4.1         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  pcre2                                 10.42         hd0f9c67_0                conda-forge
  pillow                                10.2.0        py311hbcc2232_0           conda-forge
  pip                                   23.3.1        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  pixman                                0.43.0        h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  proj                                  9.3.1         h36b298e_0                           
  pthread-stubs                         0.4           hb9de7d4_1001             conda-forge
  pugixml                               1.14          h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  pulseaudio-client                     16.1          h729494f_5                conda-forge
  py-opencv                             4.9.0         py311h63cc119_6           conda-forge
  pybind11                              2.10.4        py311hb8fdbf2_0                      
  pybind11-global                       2.10.4        py311hb8fdbf2_0                      
  pycparser                             2.21          pyhd3eb1b0_0                         
  pydantic                              1.10.12       py311h998d150_1                      
  pyopenssl                             23.2.0        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  pyproj                                3.6.1         py311h82c6f78_0                      
  pysocks                               1.7.1         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  python                                3.11.7        h43d1f9e_1_cpython        conda-forge
  python-dateutil                       2.8.2         pyhd3eb1b0_0                         
  python_abi                            3.11          2_cp311                   conda-forge
  pytz                                  2023.3.post1  py311hd43f75c_0                      
  pywavelets                            1.5.0         py311h1976a39_0                      
  pyyaml                                6.0.1         py311h998d150_0                      
  qt-main                               5.15.8        h5992497_18               conda-forge
  rav1e                                 0.6.6         h1d8f897_2                conda-forge
  readline                              8.2           h998d150_0                           
  redis-py                              4.3.4         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  requests                              2.31.0        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  scikit-image                          0.20.0        py311h419075a_0                      
  scikit-learn                          1.3.0         py311h6ace5ae_1                      
  scipy                                 1.11.4        py311h82f920c_0                      
  setuptools                            68.2.2        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  shapely                               2.0.1         py311h1565b5c_0                      
  six                                   1.16.0        pyhd3eb1b0_1                         
  snappy                                1.1.10        h419075a_1                           
  sniffio                               1.3.0         py311hd43f75c_0                      
  sqlalchemy                            2.0.25        py311h998d150_0                      
  sqlite                                3.41.2        h998d150_0                           
  starlette                             0.27.0        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  svt-av1                               1.8.0         h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  tbb                                   2021.8.0      hb8fdbf2_0                           
  threadpoolctl                         2.2.0         pyh0d69192_0                         
  tifffile                              2023.4.12     py311hd43f75c_0                      
  timezonefinder                        6.0.2         pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  tk                                    8.6.13        h194ca79_0                conda-forge
  toolz                                 0.12.0        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  typing-extensions                     4.9.0         py311hd43f75c_1                      
  typing_extensions                     4.9.0         py311hd43f75c_1                      
  tzdata                                2023d         h04d1e81_0                           
  tzlocal                               2.1           py311hd43f75c_1                      
  urllib3                               1.26.18       py311hd43f75c_0                      
  uvicorn                               0.20.0        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  wheel                                 0.41.2        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  wrapt                                 1.14.1        py311h998d150_0                      
  x264                                  1!164.3095    h4e544f5_2                conda-forge
  x265                                  3.5           hdd96247_3                conda-forge
  xcb-util                              0.4.0         h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  xcb-util-image                        0.4.0         hcb25cf1_1                conda-forge
  xcb-util-keysyms                      0.4.0         hcb25cf1_1                conda-forge
  xcb-util-renderutil                   0.3.9         h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  xcb-util-wm                           0.4.1         hcb25cf1_1                conda-forge
  xkeyboard-config                      2.40          h31becfc_0                conda-forge
  xorg-fixesproto                       5.0           h3557bc0_1002             conda-forge
  xorg-inputproto                       2.3.2         h3557bc0_1002             conda-forge
  xorg-kbproto                          1.0.7         h3557bc0_1002             conda-forge
  xorg-libice                           1.1.1         h7935292_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libsm                            1.2.4         h5a01bc2_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libx11                           1.8.7         h055a233_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxau                           1.0.11        h31becfc_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxdmcp                         1.1.3         h3557bc0_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxext                          1.3.4         h2a766a3_2                conda-forge
  xorg-libxfixes                        5.0.3         h3557bc0_1004             conda-forge
  xorg-libxi                            1.7.10        h3557bc0_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxrender                       0.9.11        h7935292_0                conda-forge
  xorg-renderproto                      0.11.1        h3557bc0_1002             conda-forge
  xorg-xextproto                        7.3.0         h2a766a3_1003             conda-forge
  xorg-xf86vidmodeproto                 2.3.1         hf897c2e_1002             conda-forge
  xorg-xproto                           7.0.31        h3557bc0_1007             conda-forge
  xz                                    5.4.5         h998d150_0                           
  yaml                                  0.2.5         hfd63f10_0                           
  zfp                                   1.0.1         h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  zipp                                  3.17.0        py311hd43f75c_0                      
  zlib                                  1.2.13        h31becfc_5                conda-forge
  zlib-ng                               2.0.7         hb4cce97_0                conda-forge
  zstd                                  1.5.5         h6a09583_0             

Hi @frigusgulo,

Have you installed pytorch using the official documentation from NVidia for Jetson: Installing PyTorch for Jetson Platform - NVIDIA Docs ?

I will try that. In the mean time, do you have any ideas on fixing this error?

libEGL warning: DRI3: Screen seems not DRI3 capable
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
nvbufsurftransform:cuInit failed : 100 

Hi @frigusgulo,

Which version of Jetpack are you using? Have you made changes to your CUDA installation?

sudo apt show nvidia-jetpack -a

Package: nvidia-jetpack
Version: 5.1.1-b56
Priority: standard
Section: metapackages
Maintainer: NVIDIA Corporation
Installed-Size: 199 kB
Depends: nvidia-jetpack-runtime (= 5.1.1-b56), nvidia-jetpack-dev (= 5.1.1-b56)
Homepage: http://developer.nvidia.com/jetson
Download-Size: 29.3 kB
APT-Sources: https://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/common r35.3/main arm64 Packages
Description: NVIDIA Jetpack Meta Package

CUDA version

nvcc --version

nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2022 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Sun_Oct_23_22:16:07_PDT_2022
Cuda compilation tools, release 11.4, V11.4.315
Build cuda_11.4.r11.4/compiler.31964100_0

Hi @frigusgulo,

The nvbufsurftransform:cuInit failed : 100 error leads me to think that there is an issue with your Jetpack installation.

Could you try running the command: sudo apt install --reinstall nvidia-jetpack?

If this does not work, I would suggest reflashing the box with NVIDIA SDK Manager.

I am having immense difficulties trying to flash my zed box (orin) with the sdk manager. Could i get assistance with this?

Hi @frigusgulo,

I should have mentioned sooner that we have made a guide in order to flash the ZED Box Orin NX. You can find it here: Reset your ZED Box Orin NX - Stereolabs

Please let us know if you still experience issues after following it.