Not able to stream and receive Zed X Ones


I am using a Zed Box Orin NX with 2 Zed X Ones. Tried with the Zed SDK 4.1.4. I am not able to detect the cameras when I try to stream it with python wrapper in Zed Box. My cameras are connected with GMSL2 connection. I have also created a virtual stereo camera with them.

user@GTW-ONX1-D17VFYDL:~/ESSI/zed-sdk$ /bin/python “/home/user/ESSI/zed-sdk/tutorials/tutorial 1 - hello ZED/python/”
[2024-09-12 07:55:00 UTC][ZED][INFO] Logging level INFO
[2024-09-12 07:55:01 UTC][ZED][WARNING] CAMERA NOT DETECTED in sl::ERROR_CODE sl::camera::open(sl::InitParameters)
[2024-09-12 07:55:01 UTC][ZED][ERROR] [ZED] sl::camera::Open has not been called, no Camera instance running.
[2024-09-12 07:55:01 UTC][ZED][ERROR] [ZED] sl::camera::Open has not been called, no Camera instance running.

Also, on streaming the video with Zed X One Media Server, I try to receive the feed with python on Windows pc. I am getting this error:

Yooooooooooo <class ‘numpy.ndarray’>
Z-img <class ‘numpy.ndarray’>
Matrix data size: 1920 x 1200 (1200, 1920, 4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “c:\Users\Demo\ESSI\zed-sdk\camera streaming\receiver\python\”, line 217, in
File “c:\Users\Demo\ESSI\zed-sdk\camera streaming\receiver\python\”, line 92, in main
cv2.imshow(“yoyoooo”, cvImage)
cv2.error: OpenCV(4.10.0) :-1: error: (-5:Bad argument) in function ‘imshow’

Overload resolution failed:

  • mat is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
  • Expected Ptrcv::cuda::GpuMat for argument ‘mat’
  • Expected Ptrcv::UMat for argument ‘mat’

The matrix coming is of shape 1200x1920x4 . What can be the issue here? I also tried with image of shape 1200x1920x3 but the result was the same.

Hi @jayp
you cannot use the ZED SDK with ZED X One in a monocular configuration.

Please read more on the ZED X One documentation.

Hi @Myzhar

I have created a virtual stereo rig and try to stream from that only. However, the hello_zed script isn’t able to detect the virtual stereo camera as well. Do I only have an option to stream from the Zed Media Server? (After creating a virtual stereo rig there)