Need Help With Camera Streaming: [Streaming] Metadata timeout. the size is equal to 196 instead of 21960. Skipping

Hi, I tried posting this earlier, but I don’t see the post so my apologies if this is a repeat.

I having issues with receiving a camera stream on a remote computer. I have written a script to load 4x ZedX cameras and start their streams. On the same computer, I can use the standard receiver script(or the ros_wrapper) to load the stream and see the feed from the each of the cameras. However, when I try to do the same on a different computer on the same network, I get the error:

[Streaming] Metadata timeout. the size is equal to 196 instead of 21960. Skipping

I have also confirmed the computers can ping each other and a trace shows they are on the same network.

Any ideas on why this would be happening? Anything I can try to fix this?

System information:
Sender: Jetson Orin AGX 64, Jetpack 5.1.1 SDK 4.2.2 CUDA 11.4
Receiver: X64 Ubuntu 20.04, SDK 4.2.3, CUDA 12.4

Thank you!