Locking body tracking avatar movement

Hi, is it possible to lock the movement of the avatar? Using the body tracking single camera sample scene as an example, when you are being tracked and you walk, the avatar moves within the scene, and the spotlight follows. For what I’m doing, I’d prefer that the location doesn’t change when you walk, so if you walked forward in real life, in the game you’d just be walking on the spot and the spotlight wouldn’t move. I haven’t been able to figure out a way to do this with the options in the inspector, or after trying to follow the code for a while to see what part causes the behaviour.

The global position of the avatar is set using this variable : zed-unity/ZEDCamera/Assets/SDK/Helpers/Scripts/BodyTracking/SkeletonHandler.cs at master · stereolabs/zed-unity · GitHub

The avatar should stay in place if you stop updating it or if you set it a to fixed value.
