Live Link setup in Unity

The ZED360 calibration file should be passed as the first argument in the command line.

In the exact same way, you should build the zed-unity-livelink-fusion sender (you can find instructions for building on Windows here). In the last step, instead of running from Visual Studio with Ctrl+F5, right-click the project in the hierarchy and Build it.

Then, in your Windows Explorer folder, you will have a “Release” folder inside the Visual Studio project folder. Go into it, open a terminal, and run the .exe application passing the calibration file as an argument.
If you copy the calibration file next to the .exe beforehand, the command line will be something like:
./ZED_Unity_Livelink_Fusion.exe calibration_file.json.

Then, if you play the scene in Unity, you should have avatars moving.

Once it is working, to use SVO, please refer to this topic that discusses it.

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